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Majors, Minors, & Programs

Find your passion and pursue it relentlessly. It all starts here. 

In AddRan, you'll have the freedom and flexibility to study what you want, when you want. Our degrees are structured to help you explore the things that excite you most – all while expanding your worldview and learning skills that will last a lifetime. Explore what we have to offer below. Mix and match. Create the educational path that's perfect for you. 

Study aspects of society like biology, location and language to better understand the human condition.

BA, Minor

Sample Courses

  • Introduction to Archaeology
  • Food Justice
  • Human Osteology
  • Animals, Religion and Culture
  • Anthropology and Sports

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Minoring in Asian studies immerses you in the language, culture, history, religion and philosophy of the peoples of South and East Asia. You’ll graduate with a better understanding of the largest population of people in our world.


Sample Courses

  • Politics of Japan
  • Entrepreneurship in China
  • Hinduism

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The British studies minor focuses on the culture and history of Great Britain and its impact on the world, especially its former and current colonies. The minor will provide you with a framework for investigating globalization, and how British politics, economy, society and culture have impacted the world and continue to do so today.


Sample Courses

  • Major British Writers
  • Making of Modern England
  • British Cinema and European Culture

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Whether you’re interested in exploring Chinese culture or want to expand your business horizons, minoring in Chinese could be right for you. Here’s your chance to join the 1.2 billion people who speak this language in daily life.


Sample Courses

  • Business Chinese
  • Chinese Calligraphy
  • Beginning Chinese I
  • Chinese Culture in Film

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This area of study gives you the chance to engage with the highly influential history and cultures of the ancient Greco-Roman world. Classical studies provide a rich site for the exploration of the fundamental question of the humanities: what does it mean to be human?


Sample Courses

  • The Greek World
  • Ancient Philosophy
  • Paul and the Early Church
  • Ancient Greek

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As a creative writing student, you’ll explore the artistic and technical aspects of effective and compelling writing. Through varied coursework and class assignments, you’ll find your voice as a writer.


Sample Courses

  • Reading as a Writer
  • Travel Writing
  • Fiction Writing Workshop
  • Digital Creative Writing
  • Drama Writing Workshop

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As a criminal justice student, you’ll gain a solid foundation in research methods, writing, oral communication, statistical reasoning and critical thinking along with practical field applications through career-oriented courses and internships.

The MS in criminal justice is an online program that can be completed in two years, making it especially attractive to professionals.

BS, Minor, MS, Graduate Certificate

Sample Courses

  • Criminology
  • Crime Scene Investigation
  • Criminal Law
  • Victimology
  • Criminal Violence

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Digital Culture and Data Analytics (DCDA) will show you how digital technologies shape, analyze and articulate contemporary culture.


Sample Courses

  • Technology, Social Media and Society
  • Data Analysis and Visualization
  • Multimedia Authoring
  • Crime Mapping

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As an economics major or minor, you’ll graduate with skills that will prepare you for a successful career in almost any sector.

BA, BS, Minor

Sample Courses

  • History of Economic Thought
  • Regional and Urban Economics
  • Asian Economics
  • Economic Geography
  • Health Economics

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Besides honing your writing and communication skills, you’ll develop critical and creative thinking that translates to a range of professions, from law to journalism to social work.

BA, Minor, MA, PhD

Sample Courses

  • Mythology
  • Gender, Culture and Representation
  • Crime Fiction
  • American Poetry
  • Jane Austen: Novels and Films
  • Law and Literature

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Learning French opens the door to many countries in the world such as Canada, Belgium, Senegal, Cameroon and many others.

BA, Minor, Teaching Certification

Sample Courses

  • First Semester College French
  • French Culture and Civilization
  • French Literature in Translation
  • Introduction to French Cinema

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Combining social and physical sciences, geography is the study of places. You’ll use a multidisciplinary approach to look for solutions to real-world problems.

BA, BS, Minor

Sample Courses

  • Data Analysis and Visualization
  • Urban Geography
  • Economic Geography
  • Sports, Geography and Society
  • Environment and Society

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The German program at TCU is more than just learning a language, it’s learning a culture. You’ll learn etiquette and cultural norms that will help you become fully immersed in the rich and vibrant world of German-speaking countries.

BA, Minor

Sample Courses

  • German for Reading
  • Beginning German
  • German Culture and Civilization
  • German Politics, Culture and Language

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History fosters an understanding of the past, promotes critical inquiry, improves communication skills and develops an appreciation for cultural diversity in the global community.

BA, Minor, Teaching Certification, MA, PhD

Sample Courses

  • The Roman Republic and Empire
  • U.S. Military History
  • Asian Civilization to 1700
  • Peace or Pause? Europe, 1919-1945
  • History of Science
  • Women in the Middle East

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The HARE minor gives you insights into the crucial, diverse and often overlooked aspects animals contribute daily to our society, economy, culture and well-being.


Sample Courses

  • Animals, Religion and Culture
  • Making Animal Imagery
  • Animal Assisted Therapy

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By studying international economics, you’ll examine the world with a critical eye for how economies shape our politics and cultures.

BA, Minor

Sample Courses

  • International Trade and Payments
  • Asian Economics
  • Latin American Economics

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As an International Political Science student, you’ll examine the role of governments and politics in the development of different cultures and societies across the world.

BA, Minor

Sample Courses

  • Globalization and the Political Economy
  • Chinese Foreign Policy
  • Islam and Politics
  • Politics of Developing Nations

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Ciao! Welcome to an innovative course of study that teaches you language and culture, all while emphasizing the importance of language in our society.


Sample Courses

  • First Semester College Italian
  • Topics in Italian Cinema
  • Cultural Content and Written Expression

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Enhance your knowledge of the world to become a better global citizen by studying language and connecting to foreign cultures.


Sample Courses

  • Culture of Latin America
  • Cinema of Latin America
  • Portuguese

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As a Middle East studies student, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the history, religion, culture, languages and politics of the Middle East and North Africa. Equipped with deep and nuanced knowledge, you’ll be able to see beyond today’s headlines to comprehend the multifaceted issues shaping world affairs.


Sample Courses

  • Politics of the Middle East
  • Islam
  • History of Syria and Iraq
  • Arabic

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You’ll become a better global citizen when you study a language that allows you to connect to other cultures of the world. Understanding language is essential to understanding the human condition and provides an excellent supplement to any course of study.


Sample Courses

  • Linguistics
  • Beginner French
  • Beginner German

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Explore fundamental issues that humans have faced throughout our existence. You’ll learn to dissect complex arguments using logic, analytical reasoning and problem solving skills that will be valuable in any career.

BA, BS, Minor

Sample Courses

  • Bioethics
  • Symbolic Logic
  • Political Philosophy
  • Free Will and Moral Responsibility
  • Philosophy of Law
  • Critical Reasoning

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You’ll examine different government structures across states, countries and regions, and learn how to synthesize complex issues.

BA, BS, Minor, Teaching Certificate

Sample Courses

  • Campaigns and Elections
  • Media and Politics
  • Chinese Foreign Policy
  • Constitutional Law
  • Global Justice
  • Mideast Politics

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By studying religion, you’ll engage in questions about life’s ultimate meaning and explore the profound influences of faith and tradition on every aspect of society and culture.

BA, Minor

Sample Courses

  • How to Read the Bible: Story and Politics
  • Black Religion in the United States
  • Buddhism: Thought and Practice
  • Religion and Science

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Want to change the world? Start here. You’ll consider realistic solutions to issues facing our society and gain new understanding and perspective when you examine the problems today’s populations face.

BA, BS, Minor

Sample Courses

  • Popular Culture
  • Human-Animal Relationships
  • Conformity and Rebellion
  • Gender Politics: International Perspectives

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The study of language broadens your intellectual horizon, refines your capacity for critical inquiry and provides you with cross-cultural experiences and the mindset of a global citizen.

BA, Minor, Teaching Certificate

Sample Courses

  • Spanish for Beginners
  • Writing in Spanish
  • Latin American Short Story
  • Spanish Linguistics
  • Cinema of Spain

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As cities continue to expand, it’s important to understand what makes design and policy so important to the success of an urban district. The urban studies minor is intended to help you develop a multi-disciplinary exploration of cities. You’ll explore the organization of urban space, the varied and multiple dimensions of urban life, and the many challenges presented by the rapid pace of urban change in the 21st century.


Sample Courses

  • An Urban World
  • Urban Politics
  • Urban & Business Applications for GIS

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As a writing student, you’ll explore the artistic and technical aspects of effective and compelling writing. Through varied coursework and class assignments, you’ll find your voice as a writer.  

BA, Minor

Sample Courses

  • Reading as a Writer
  • Travel Writing
  • Fiction Writing Workshop
  • Drama Writing Workshop
  • Digital Creative Writing

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